We seek to steward the resources God has given our member churches to help each other build stronger and more effective ministries. We share time and expertise, prayers and encouragement, planning and experience across the churches. We co-operate in planning and outreach and our pastors meet regularly for mutual support.  

We provide training for men and women in the rudiments of Biblical understanding and Christian ministry. Among those who have passed through the ministry training schemes in our member churches since 2011 are pastors, elders, youth workers, children's workers, church administrators, and godly mums and dads seeking to nurture their children in the faith.   

All of our member churches have been planted since 2007 and we are committed to seeing the kingdom of God grow through co-operating to plant more and more churches across our region. As large numbers of established churches and denominations continue to move away from the gospel of Christ, millions have been left perishing for lack of effective and faithful Christian witness.  So many more churches are needed.