planting churches

Our region needs new churches. Lots and lots of them. Over the past 10 years, over 2000 churches in the UK have shut their doors for the last time. After the inevitable post-pandemic reassessments, thousands more are expected to follow in the coming years. For the 5 million people of our region to be reached with the gospel, there is an enormous amount of work to do. But it needs to be done faithfully, wisely, sustainably and humbly.

The churches of Reach South are committed to valuing kingdom growth above the growth of their own church congregations. So we are always thinking about where the next plant could be and who we can send. Sending people away to launch a new community is painful, but the prize of a new church community is a great one.    

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  • We look for a sweet spot between need (paucity of faithful churches in an area making a significant gospel impact), opportunity (the number of people on our radar likely to be enthusiastic about launching a new work) and potential (likely ability of the plant to sustain itself and send its own plants in the future). It's an art, more than a science, often driven as much by anecdote as hard data. And we certainly don't discount planting some churches which might need ongoing support. But we're committed to stewarding our resources as best we can.    

  • You name it, we'll consider it! We're up for straight (mother-daughter) congregational plants, rejuvenation of declining churches, multi-church co-operative plants and more. Every model has its own advantages and drawbacks, and every individual situation has its own quirks and peculiarities. We seek to be wise and prayerful as we evaluate any opportunity that appears to present itself.     

  • We are enthusiastic about any faithful church being planted - regardless of denomination - but as a group of FIEC churches we expect that plants we actively support would most naturally operate as independent churches and most likely within the FIEC family.  

  • We think churches do best when they own their direction themselves. So we won't launch a new church without a functioning plural eldership in place and a clear roadmap for financial independence. Financial support might continue, but we aim to cut formal/legal ties within 24 months. Reach South does not operate as a denomination authority but as a voluntary collective of churches co-operating together for the growth of God's kingdom.

  • Not unless you count simply living godly lives, loving each other, bringing everything to God in prayer, taking our lead from his word and urgently seeking opportunities to bring the gospel to those who are perishing. Each context will provide its own distinct set of challenges and openings and we'll encourage the launch team to be creative in thinking these through.

  • In order that we can ensure a shared DNA and build credibility between launch team and planter, it is our usual practice for all planters to spend some time on the staff of an existing Reach South church before being commissioned to lead a new plant. We are open to reviewing this but that is the current position. 


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