equipping churches

'And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others' (2 Timothy 2:2).

Central to the collaboration between Reach South churches is the work of preparing suitable people to serve their congregations in faithful ministry of the word. Each church operates a Ministry Training Scheme allowing one or more individuals to learn what it is to be a godly servant of the word. Although they are generally full-time in their attachment to one church, trainees share aspects of their weekly training programme with others across the Reach South family, as well as as meeting together for encouragement.

These Ministry Training schemes have been operating since 2011, and dozens of 'graduates' have now come through, equipped and prepared for all sorts of different Christian service. Some have gone on to further formal theological study; others have put their training to use in their own churches or another, or indeed their own families. We rejoice in seeing God raise up his servants in this way.

the equip course

It was 11 years in the dreaming and planning but in September 2022, our own Ministry Training Course got off the ground. Anchored by John Taylor and including lecturers from a variety of like-minded churches across our region, the course brings the kind of training previously requiring travel to London or Oxford to the heart of the Reach South area. 

Find out more at The Equip Course website.