Big Day Out 2024

9th June 2024

The Big Day Out is our annual Reach South celebration. It’s a day when the Reach South churches (Christ Church Southampton, Cornerstone Church Portsmouth, Redeemer Winchester and Trinity Church Salisbury) come together to hear of how the Lord has been working amongst us and to celebrate His faithfulness. It’s a chance as well to connect with new people and catch up with old friends.


What to expect

There'll be brilliant Bible teaching by Graham Beynon (FIEC Head of Local Ministries). He will be speaking in two sessions on 'Emotions: Living Life In Colour'. Graham will also be leading an afternoon Q+A session. 

There'll also be plenty of fellowship together, a hog roast, bouncy castles, sports, games, a massive bookstall from Christian publisher 10ofthose, updates and testimonies from all the churches, and much more.



Arrival: 9.30-9.45am (drop off children at their groups)

Everyone seated in auditorium for start: 10.10am

Finish: 4.30pm

The day is free to attend. We just ask for a contribution towards the cost of food and other expenses: 

  • £5 for adults
  • £2 for children with a max of £15 per family.

This is not paid in advance - simply make your contribution by contactless card payment on the day.